Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine for Pain in Milton and Bawley Point NSW

Are you in Pain?

Acupuncture is one of the most effective modalities for the treatment of Musculoskeletal, Arthritic and Neurological Pain.
Acupuncture activates the body’s own self-healing mechanism to relieve Pain and support overall wellbeing. Suzan’s approach to treating Pain not only treats the symptoms but also gets to the root of the problem.

Your Pain condition has a unique pattern and underlying cause, and Suzan will carefully assess you and work out a Personalised Treatment Plan. The goal of the treatment is to effectively relieve the pain, strengthen the body and improve resistance to future Pain flare ups and injuries. If your pain is more due to a Chronic condition such as Osteoarthritis, then Acupuncture can help manage these conditions and reduce the frequency of acute flare-ups and keep overall pain levels at lower and more manageable levels.

The WHO Organisation lists the following Pain conditions as being effectively
treated with Acupuncture:
● Facial pain (including craniomandibular disorders)
● Knee pain
● Low back pain
● Neck pain
● Pain in dentistry (including dental pain and temporomandibular dysfunction)
● Periarthritis of shoulder
● Postoperative pain
● Rheumatoid arthritis
● Acupuncture: review and analysis of controlled clinical trials
● Sciatica
● Sprain
● Stroke
● Tennis elbow (1)

In addition, Acupuncture has traditionally been used to help the following painful
● Osteoarthritis
● Muscular strain
● Frozen Shoulder
● Peripheral neuropathy
● Trigeminal neuralgia
● Sports injuries

Make your Acupuncture / Chinese Medicine appointment today. Give Suzan a call